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Poster artwork by the AMAZING Maddie Fischer



The Writers Room


The Writers Room Poster and theme illustrations by Maddie Fischer

The Writers Room, taking place inside the Cider House at Stone Ridge Orchard, highlights emerging artists local to the Hudson Valley, Catskills, and New York City in four sets themed around stages of growth: seed, bloom, plant, and harvest. Welcome autumn and support your neighbors’ music at this one-of-a-kind festival stage whose bill was wholly created by public submissions.


Presented By Keepsake House


Promoting Food Justice, Food SEcurity, and Activism In Agriculture

Supporting Farmers Through Music

Meadowlark supports organizations that advocate for farmers in the Hudson Valley and nationally, and who are aligned with our values of promoting food security and advocacy for local farms. These organizations include:

Elizabeth Ryan, the owner of Stone Ridge Orchard and founding farmer of Breezy Hill Orchard, has been honored as a Farmer Hero by Farm Aid and recognized for her leadership in agriculture by the Rondout Valley Growers Association. We’re proud to be affiliated with Stone Ridge Orchard and these organizations who are playing a critical role in advocating for farmers in the Hudson Valley region and around the country.

Are you a farmer in the Hudson Valley / Catskills region with a story to tell or seeking support? We’d love to hear from you.

  1. meadow [ med-oh ] (n), a tract of grassland in an upland area near the timberline

  2. lark [ lahrk ] (n) , a source of or quest for amusement or adventure


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